Events and Diary

Payment details – 2024

Members are encouraged to pay for all events in advance by BACS wherever possible. This is particularly important for the monthly lunches when the club has to give advance notice to the restaurant of the numbers attending. Late payments create extra work for the Treasurer.. 

For those of you that wish to pre-pay by BACS, our online bank account is operated by HSBC:

Account name         Ferndown Probus Club

Sort code                 40-38-21

Account number     4147 0256

To keep our records up to date please advise the person organising the event and, if necessary also the treasurer at .

It is important that members book their lunch as far in advance as possible with the Luncheon Secretary.

If members have booked a lunch, have not paid by BACS and then fail to turn up on the day, they may be asked to pay the lunch charge if the club is invoiced.

Wherever possible refunds or credits will be given for cancellations.

There is a lot of information about the club on our recently updated website .Please visit it regularly for the current information. Forthcoming events for 2024 are shown below. 

17 JulyCoffee morning10.00Bridge House
31 JulySummer lunchnoonRemedy Oak
7 AugustLadies informal lunchnoonBridge House
21 AugustCoffee morning10.00Bridge House
4 September Ladies informal lunchnoonStocks Inn, Furzehill, Wimborne
11 SeptemberMembers lunch11.15Bridge House
18 SeptemberBrunch10.00Ferndown Golf Club
2 OctoberLadies informal lunchnoonThe Bear Cross
9 OctoberMembers lunch11.15Bridge House
16 OctoberCoffee morning10.00Bridge House
6 NovemberLadies informal lunchnoonto be advised
13 NovemberMembers lunch11.15Bridge House
20 NovemberCoffee morning10.00Bridge House
4 DecemberMembers Christmas lunchnoonBurley Manor
11 DecemberCoffee morning10.00Bridge House
12 DecemberBath Christmas Marketsee advert below
2025Events to be planned