
Members wives, partners and the widows of deceased members play an important part in our club. They attend and contribute to the Coffee Mornings, Summer and Christmas Lunches and all the social events.

Pauline originally set up the Ladies Informal Lunches

The ladies started having an informal lunch in 2019 and after the inevitable  Covid break in 2020 / 21 were able to resume their lunch meetings in the Autumn of 2021. Typical attendance is about 15 to 20. The ladies enjoy an informal meal and chat while the menfolk enjoy their 2 course luncheon and speaker in an adjacent room. The ladies are also invited to go and join the men when the speaker begins their talk if they so wish. 

Currently the lunches are held at the Bridge House Hotel, Longham although occasionally they have been held in nearby pubs and restaurants around the Ferndown area.

Arrival is from noon and each lady chooses their own meal from the available menu. Any of their friends are most welcome to come along as well.

In order to advise the restaurant of the approximate numbers it would be useful to let Pauline know a day or so in advance; though no doubt the location can cater for late changes without too much trouble. Lyn Quist is also now closely involved with Pauline organising these lunches.

Please telephone or email Pauline or Lyn if you want details or other information. If transport is a problem we will do our best to arrange a lift.

Pauline Potentier
Telephone 01202 826 534

Lyn Quist Email, telephone 01202 855 629

You can also send a message to Pauline or Lyn if you  CLICK HERE  
(Mention Pauline or Lyn  in the subject please).